16 February 2011


I had a really productive day today.  Finished two cards, one for a special niece, will post after I give it to her .  Used colours I don't normally work with and although its plain I really like it.  Also finished two custom order cards which came together quiet well and also will post after they are delivered.  Have a few more to make for that order so will be a little while.

Really cant wait for the remaining storage options to be delivered, my craft studio is getting so messy every time I work as there is just no room and hard to find things.  I do not know how people scrap that use one table inside  a cupboard, my hat goes off to them.

Hope you are all having a productive day.  Wendy

1 comment:

  1. I used to work on the dinning room table out of a tiny closet. Then I out grew the space. Isn't that what happens to us all, teehee.
